Source Repositories


All OpenConext project repositories are stored on for easy collaboration. The OpenConext organization on Github contains all components of OpenConext and can be found at


For installation documentation, Docker containers and the Ansible roles that can automate this for you, please see the OpenConext-deploy repository pinned at the top of our GitHub organization.


OpenConext is using Github to collect all development related issues from the community. You can find the current issues and feature requests on the issues page of the OpenConext repository.

See for the issuelist of OpenConext Engineblock. The lists of issues for the other components are in the component’s repository. Please file issues for things you'd like to improve. Pull requests with concrete code are of course very welcome!

Discussion and support

Want to discuss development, ask a question or need help deploying your OpenConext installation? Join or Slack workspace! For the link, see Contact.


All source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, unless the document headers in the actual sources indicate otherwise. When checking out the the source code, external repositories may be included. These repositories may be under different, though still open source, licenses.